Woi oi, welcome to TerryHearn.com! It’s hard to believe that it’s now 2021, and fifteen years have passed since writing my last book, Still Searching. They say that time moves fast when you’re having fun, and when it comes to life as an angler, never was a truer word said! It feels like it’s passed in a flash, but I’ve still managed to cram plenty in. From dusk to dawns, boat to bivvy, stillwaters to rivers, and big wild pits to small intimate ponds, I’ve loved it all. I’ve tried my hardest to get a good mix of stories from that time into my latest book, ‘Through The Mist’, which covers a good chunk of my carp fishing from 2006 right through until 2018. Hopefully you’l enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Most normal years I’d be attending the shows and signing books on the Calm Productions stand, something I’ve always enjoyed doing as it gives me a chance to catch up with friends I’ve not seen in a while, but the Covid pandemic of the last couple of years has kind of mucked things up a bit. Fingers crossed, it won’t be long before things return to normal. With any luck, next year the carp shows will be back up and running, but for now, my books are available for easy purchase through this site.
From time to time I pop into the publishers to sign a few copies, but obviously I can’t sign them all, so if you can’t get a signed copy then don’t worry, bring it to one of the shows once they’ve returned and I’ll be more than happy to have a chat, and to put a more personalised scribble on it there.
Until then, keep on catching ‘em!